Our Services

Each of Upper Valley Services’ locations offer an array of supports that are designed to assist individuals to live successfully within their local communities.
Employment is a means to positive life outcomes; career development, social engagement, financial stability, and overall health and well-being. Upper Valley Services provides comprehensive career assessment, job development, job placement training, on-going support and consultation, and financial and benefit planning. Whether you are just beginning to explore your employment options or looking for a new opportunity, we are here to support you to identify and achieve your goals.
Customized employment supports empower individuals to find employment that matches their strengths and interests, assuring positive outcomes. We believe there is a job for every individual who identifies a desire to work. Our skilled job developers will work with employers in your community to develop employment support plans that meet the needs of you and the employer.
We all desire a sense of belonging and meaningful contribution within a community of people who value our shared values and unique gifts. Upper Valley Services is committed to supporting people in developing or maintaining relationships within their community. Relationships create opportunities to explore new personal interests.
Upper Valley Services (UVS) is committed to providing high quality community supports that promote a diversity of experiences, life-long learning, leadership and personal empowerment. Individuals may be matched with a 1:1 direct support specialist, who provides the necessary support for an individual to actively engage with their community of choice.
Any person receiving supports from Upper Valley Services has the opportunity to participate in the Lifelong Learning program. Lifelong Learning offers a unique experience for individuals to pursue their education and learning goals, leadership, and opportunities to develop long-term friendships.
The ability to express and be heard are essential to leading a self-determined life. Self-Advocacy groups are located at all UVS sites and they maintain close ties to Green Mountain Self Advocates.
Every person who receives support has unique strengths and values. Our team of skilled Service Coordinators will work with you to learn about who you are and what you need to live your best life.
Through active listening and a supportive assessment of needs, Service Coordinators develop individualized plans of support that outline an individual’s dreams, goals, and person-centered support strategies.
Upper Valley Services provides an array of supports to assure people have a safe, healthy, place in which they call home. We will work with you to identify the supports that you need to maintain your highest level of independence in the community of your choice. Supports and services are customized to meet your unique personal needs.
For more information about our home support services, please the Upper Valley Services office in your neighborhood.

The clinical approach best describing the services provided through the Moretown office is one of humanistic behaviorism. Founded in the Rogerian concepts of positive regard we believe that acceptance is an essential feature of our service orientation. This foundation of interaction is paired with a cognitive-behavioral skills based approach to promoting new ways of thinking and behaving.
Many of the people who receive services in Moretown participate in an array of therapeutic experiences including individual psychotherapy, massage, therapeutic horseback riding, yoga and psychiatric medication management to name just a few. This holistic approach to overall wellbeing paired with our respectful interactions with the people we serve has consistently resulted in positive outcomes for more than 30 years.
Upper Valley Services values each child for their unique set of needs and the needs of the families who love them. We believe that children with developmental disabilities can learn and become flourishing members of their community. Your goals are our goals.
THE BRIDGE PROGRAM provides care coordination for children with developmental disabilities and their families.
These services are designed to provide the following supports:
Help families determine what supports or services are needed
Help families access needed medical, educational, social or other services to address their child’s needs
Help families develop a coordinated plan to address needs by establishing goals
Examples of supports provided:
Access to appropriate school services Linking to recreational resources to include summer camps
Attend IEP meetings to support parents Assistance linking to economic services
Family support resources (Vermont Family Network), etc.
Supports given to the family are dependent on needs of individual families, allowing for flexibility in services provided.
CHILDREN’S PERSONAL CARE SERVICES is a Medicaid benefit for children diagnosed with long-term disability or health condition which impacts age-appropriate development of activities of daily living (bathing, grooming, dressing, eating, toileting, mobility, communication, and learning). Administered by Vermont Department of Health.
Upper Valley Services has qualified Children Personal Care Assessors to complete the state required assessments. Families complete intake paperwork and provide supplemental materials regarding the child’s diagnosis which are sent to the state to review and determine eligibility.
When a family is awarded money they are able to manage child’s budget (6 month periods) and hire a personal care worker who assists with the activities of daily living.
FAMILY MANAGED RESPITE is a support to families that provides caregivers a break in order to support their ongoing care for their child with a disability.
Upper Valley Services works with families to determine the need and respite services. If a need is determined and approved through an interagency review team.
FLEXIBLE FAMILY FUNDING is a financial benefit provided to income eligible families. Upper Valley Services provides support to families in the application and determination process.